The sources are:
(a) American National Standards institute (ANSI)
(b) International Organization of standardization (ISO)
(c) International Electrotechnical commission (IEC)
(d) British Standard Institution
(e) Global Engineering Documents
These are applied during the initial phases of designing and assembly. All the parts and their functions shall comply with the standards so that they can be get a CE rating.
Project management is the procedure and action of preparing, organizing, inspiring, and monitoring resources, processes and protocols to accomplish specific targets in technical or daily issues. A project itself can be defined as a provisional endeavour created to yield a distinctive product, service or outcome with a distinct beginning and culmination (generally time-controlled, and usually restricted by finance or deliverables) started to match up to unique objectives and targets, normally to bring about helpful change or additional value. Softwares that can be used are MS- Project, SmartSheet, MS-Excel to name a few.
The first is the balanced mechanical seal while the second is the unbalanced mechanical seal. The balanced types have the ability to sustain higher pressures across the faces and they generate less heat thus they are suitable for handling liquids that have low lubricating capacity. The Unbalanced type is however used under drastic conditions where there are vibrations, misalignment of the shaft, and the problem of the cavitation of the fluid.
The sympathetic nervous system triggers the "fight or flight response" by operating through a series of interconnected neurons. The preganglionic neurons arise from the thoracic and lumbar segments of the spinal cord (T1 to L2) forming synapses with postganglionic neurons within the ganglion chains that are positioned parallel to either sides of the spinal cord.
significant external factor which can impact an organisation is the pricing strategy of a competitor of an organisation. If the competitor prices their goods or services too aggressively and keeps on reducing the prices for the same product, then the customers shall prefer to purchase from the competitor and this shall be detrimental to the organisation as it shall reduce its profits and turnover, thus, highlighting how competitors and customers influence an organisation.
Eco audit has two menus, Product definition & Report. These two menus will shows the detail results of the eco audit. Under the product definition we have 4 sub menus.
Janeeen can be advised with remedies under the Corporation Act 2001 about the oppressed minority shareholders. The directors would require exercising the power and manage the firm in interest of each shareholder (Keith, 2011). As per this remedy the maximum shareholders might expect the company's affairs to be conducted in such manner which would be most beneficial.
To investigate essential trace element concentration in maternal and neonatal blood and human breast milk.
A survey of importance of taking medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Resources
A Comparison of Toxicology in Emergency Medicine Residents
Analyzing the risk factors of breast cancer among women.
Cancer Care Delivery and Women's Health
TDP-43 and pathological subtype of Alzheimer's disease impact clinical features
Internal Diameter of pipe = 0.3m,
Length of pipe = 500m,
Relative roughness of the pipe = 1.8*10-4, = 0.00018.
Pipe Friction Factor,F=(Re, k/d),
For Laminar Flow
For turbulent flow we need to use moody chart.
From Moody chart F= 0.015
Flow rate = 50kg/s, 0.05m3/s
Pipe area = ? D^2/4
3.14*0.3*0.3/4 = 0.07m2
Flow Velocity =Flow rate /Area, 0.05/0.07 = 0.714m/s
Viscosity at 300k = 8.6*10-4 Pa.S
Re = 0.714 *0.3/8.6*10-7, = 0.249*106
k/D = 0.002/0.2 = 0.01
From moody chart f= 0.015
Pressure loss in pipe of 500 m length = f*L/D*0.5?V*V
= 0.015*1666*0.5*1000*0.714*0.714
= 6369Pa
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