
Referencing Help

Referencing is one of the most significant parts of any kind of writing. So, it has to be done with proper knowledge and format. Referencing is the acknowledgment of all the sources that have been cited in your assignment, whether you have quoted directly or paraphrased. All the referencing must be placed in alphabetical order. Referencing is a strenuous task as in order to obtain the reference the student has to go through lengthy research, which can be problematic at times. To ease the burden of the students, we at EssayCorp provide all the referencing help in all your assignments. We are especially famed for our in-context referencing help in our assignment help service, homework help, thesis, dissertations help, etc.

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Referencing Help

Referencing is one of the most significant parts of any kind of writing. So, it has to be done with proper knowledge and format. Referencing is the acknowledgment of all the sources that have been cited in your assignment, whether you have quoted directly or paraphrased. All the referencing must be placed in alphabetical order. Referencing is a strenuous task as in order to obtain the reference the student has to go through lengthy research, which can be problematic at times. To ease the burden of the students, we at EssayCorp provide all the referencing help in all your assignments. We are especially famed for our in-context referencing help in our assignment help service, homework help, thesis, dissertations help, etc.

Advantages of Referencing

Referencing is unequivocally an integral part of any academic writing. It validates the written piece with a sense of reliability and genuineness. It is expected of any scholastic writing to contain references, failing to do so could result in penalties. It serves many purposes; it shows your ability to adhere to a particular writing style, it shows that you respect the work of other scholars, acts as an evidence that you have actually carried out the research, etc. We at EssayCorp provide the best reference help, as we know the importance of referencing in academic writing.

  • Referencing generally depicts that the assignment is made using authenticated resources and by proper research, information is taken from various authenticated journals, books, and other sources that have been published.
  • It also depicts the information you want to share or have used in the paper.
  • It helps in avoiding plagiarism so that the assignments are done accurately and the works of other authors are properly quoted.
Referencing Help
Expert Referencing by EssayCorp

Our writers have written an innumerable number of assignments and have provided references for all, this makes them very experienced in providing referencing help for your assignment. They use the best and the most reputable source for referencing. The high qualification and the know-how of assignment writing make them the best option to get your assignment done. Referencing is an important part of any academic writing. so, seek professional help for it.

Types of Referencing
  1. Harvard Referencing
    • Inline: (Forbes 2014).
    • Main ref (Website): Forbes 2014, Capturing the Hispanic market will require more than a total market strategy, viewed on 20th June 2014,
    • Main ref (Journals): Stamatis D.H.2002, Six Sigma, and beyond-foundation of excellent performance. American Pharmaceutical Review, Vol 7, Issue 6 pp:3-9
  2. APA Referencing
    • Inline citation: (Fellows, 2010)
    • Main Ref: Fellows, C. 2010, Short Informal Report, REPORT ON THE PREVENTION OF WASTEFUL USE OF STATIONERY AND REPROGRAPHIC SERVICES, Web 27 June 2014,
  3. MLA Referencing
    • Inline citation: (Henderson, Summer & Raj, 2004).
    • Main Ref (Website): Henderson, P. Summer, S. Raj, T. (2004). Developing Healthier Communities: An Introductory Course for People Using Community Development Approaches to Improve Health and Tackle Health Inequalities. Retrieved on 24/05/2014,
    • Journals: Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: towards a unifying theory of behavioral change, Psychological Review, Vol 64, Issue 2,pp:191–215.
    • Book: World Health Organization (1986) Regional Office for Europe. Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, Geneva
  4. Chicago Referencing
    • Inline citation: (Morgan and Thompson 1998, 243).
    • Website: McDonald's Happy Meal Toy Safety Facts," McDonald's Corporation, accessed July 19, 2008
    • Journal: Joshua I. Weinstein, "The Market in Plato's Republic," Classical Philology, 104(2009): 440.
    • Book: Geoffrey C. Ward and Ken Burns, The War: An Intimate History, 1941–1945 (New York: Knopf, 2007), 52
  5. Vancouver Referencing
    • Inline citation: (Warwick, Alt and King and Warwick and Easton (7-9)
    • Website: Atherton, J., Behaviour modification [Internet]. 2010 [updated 2010 Feb 10; cited 2010 Apr 10]. Available from
    • Journal: Snowdon J. Severe depression in old age. Medicine Today. 2002 Dec;3 (12):40-47.
    • Book: Cheers B, Darracott R, Lonne B. Social care practice in rural communities. Sydney: The Federation Press; 2007
  6. IEEE Referencing
    • Inline citation: [7, pp.20-39].
    • Website: R. J. Vidmar. (1994). On the use of atmospheric plasmas as electromagnetic reflectors [Online]. Available FTP: atmnext.usc.edu Directory: pub/etext/1994 File: atmosplasma.txt
    • Journal: Ye. V. Lavrova, "Geographic distribution of ionospheric disturbances in the F2 layer," Tr. IZMIRAN, vol. 19, no. 29, pp. 31–43, 1961 (Transl.: E. R. Hope, Directorate of Scientific Information Services, Defence Research Board of Canada, Rep. T384R, Apr. 1963).
    • Book: L. Stein, "Random patterns," in Computers and You, J. S. Brake, Ed. New York: Wiley, 1994, pp. 55-70

Our writers are seasoned at these referencing styles and many more, we provide all the referencing help in various styles; if you have heard of a style, “We provide it”; to get the best result with your assignments and experience our adept writers at work, seek our help.

Why and What Needs Referencing?

Referencing is important in most academic writings, failing to provide a genuine reference is considered as academic misconduct and is punishable in many cases. The two core objectives of a reference are to acknowledge the source and to allow the reader or the evaluator to trace the source.

These days almost all formal academic assessment writing requires referencing. Some of the documents that require referencing are:

  • When you quote someone in a writing, it doesn’t matter whether you have used a phrase, a paragraph, or anything else. Whenever you quote someone, reference has to be provided.
  • Summarising ideas or information from another source; our referencing help service keeps in mind that all these parameters are met in an assignment.
  • The statistics that have been obtained from other sources need to be cited, it may be a government body or private organization.
  • If there is a use of a table, diagram, picture, or image created by someone else, that needs to be cited.

Getting your assignment complete doesn’t guarantee good grades. There are several other things that need to be followed to get that top score. And one of them is referencing, to achieve the best, come seek our referencing help.

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  • The firm has a team of professional and efficient writers who make tailor-made assignments that would suit your requirements.
  • The assignments are plagiarism-free and it helps the student obtain the best score.
  • After the student submits his assignment, they receive back a 100% original content that is plagiarism-free.
  • Since there is an on-time delivery and live support from the experts, it makes EssayCorp an effective place to have the assistance you require on your assignment.
  • Since the prices are budget-friendly, the quotes are given at a very minimal price for the student.
  • The assignments we offer are from basic to the advanced level thesis, dissertations, reports, research , projects and the like.