Relation/Difference between Age of marriage and the individual's current labour force participation status.
Data reveals to find;
- Relation between age at marriage and labour force participation.
- Relation between age at marriage and Race.
- To study distribution of data using box plot for mean age at force marriage and Labour force participation
Research Questions:
- Is there any relation/difference between age at marriage and Labour participation?
- Â Is there any relation/difference between age at marriage and race?
- Â Is there any relation/difference between age at marriage and Labour participation?Â
We use Independent sample t test to determine if a difference exist between means of two independent groups is statistically significant or not.
- We should have one dependent variable which is measured at continuous scale.
- We should have one independent variable which consists of two categories or matched pairs.
- Â Dependent variable, which is is age at marriage should be approximately normally distributed. Assumption of Normality
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