The Essence of Halloween: History and Facts

The Essence of Halloween: History and Facts

We all love the spirit of Halloween and the energy that comes with it, but do we know precisely the real reason behind this day? The contemplation between opulence and scarcity, light and dark, autumn and winter, we celebrate Halloween’s vibrancy. It originates in the Celtic festival of Samhain, in which people used big bonfires to usher away the dead.

The meaning of the whole thing has changed, and people don’t know the actuality behind celebrating Halloween. These days it makes big bucks for retailers and has also taken a toll on merchandising.

History Behind Halloween

According to the Celtics, the dead come walking on Halloween in the world of the living. They lit big bonfires and gathered people to burn crops and animals as offering to the Celtic gods. The bonfires are quoted as sacred and are considered to help protect the living for the winters.

It is also known as All Hallows’ Eve and is celebrated in many countries; it is commemorated on the 31st of October and is dedicated to recalling the dead.

Halloween in America

Suddenly when it came to America, it had already drastically changed. People started partying on this day. There was a big market for costumes, sweets and accessories. The ritual somehow faded and got hyped due to the celebrations and commercialisation.

5 Halloween Facts

  • Halloween is considered the second-highest commercial holiday after Christmas.
  • Samhainophobia is the fear of Halloween.
  • The owl is regarded as a typical Halloween picture. In the medieval era, owls were considered a negative sign, and an owl’s hearing meant that someone was about to die.
  • According to tradition, “if a person wears his or her clothes inside out and then walks backwards on Halloween, he or she will see a witch at midnight.”
  • “Children are more than twice as likely to be killed in a pedestrian/car accident on Halloween as on any other night.”
  • “One-quarter of all the candy sold annually in the U.S. is purchased for Halloween.”

The Essence of Halloween Today

Halloween has become a holiday for minting money; teenagers and school-going have made it enjoyable. Though this day has many superstitions and mysteries, today’s generation is enjoying it with the help of activities that it has created. Also, the marketers have taken advantage of the transition and walked along.

Trick or treat has become a modern-day tradition and made it worthwhile for everybody. Halloween is now celebrated by many people around the globe.

Essence of Halloween, Halloween, History of Halloween,