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Write your essay you will need to do reading and research. Write a 1,250 word extended argument essay on a topic connected to your intended degree course.


In the last few years, there is a rise in the call for the UK to leave European Union (EU). Few years back, complaints were registered about EU directives over the bendy banana that didn’t reside, but the same was taken as sacrosanct, that EU membership was in the interest of Britain. What has changed and would this change give benefit through leaving or through negotiating over the free trade agreement that enables the advantages of European Union membership with supposed cost? 

Should Britain stay in EU?

Model of European unity

Since 1945, there is a relative prosperity and peace in Europe, which is a significant achievement by observing the past inter-European conflicts. UK is the intrinsic part of EU, whether they agree or not. It’s better to adopt an opportunity and become a member of the EU and support in maintaining the Europe harmony and integrity. If Britain left EU, then political isolation might occur (The UK and the EU: Better off out or in? 2016). 

However, the question that arises is that does UK should be a member of EU to achieve this? The UK can still contribute in the ideals of Europe without even signing all economic and political integration, which EU wish to elite to and pursue (The UK and the EU: Better off out or in? 2016). Countries within Europe that are out from EU like Norway and Switzerland also tries to build and maintain friendly relation with the Europe.

Free Trade

One of the best advantages of EU is that it’s the key trading partner of UK, and EU membership has support in minimizing trade issues like both the tariff as well as non-tariff barriers. EU is quite critical to the economy of UK. Therefore, leaving EU can put this significant factor of Britain economy under the threat.

One of the best advantages of EU is that it’s the key trading partner of UK, and EU membership has support in minimizing trade issues like both the tariff as well as non-tariff barriers. EU is quite critical to the economy of UK. Therefore, leaving EU can put this significant factor of Britain economy under the threat. The Eurosceptics hope mentions that UK can go the political connection with EU, but it can still maintain agreement of free trade. Just like the model of Norway and Switzerland is not at a disadvantage by staying out from EU (EU Membership: Reasons for and against Leaving 2015). It is suggested by evidence that EU is interested in accommodating the UK as its free trade partner. “If the UK cannot help in trends that move towards connecting with Europe, then they can nevertheless remain friends but on variant sides. In this case, a free trade agreement can be imagined. 

Free Movement of capital as well as labor

Other advantages of EU are to enable the people free movement across the borders. As per European Commission, there are more than 15 million citizens of EU that had moved towards EU countries to enjoy or work. People in the UK are not able to either work in these countries. Migration has also supported in minimizing the ratio of dependency that has enhanced the budgetary position of government (EU Membership: Reasons for and against Leaving 2015). It is argued that labor free movement from the Eastern Europe has tried to create more issues. Providing shortage of housing aggravates problems related to overcrowding as well as huge immigration has put a strain on the housing of UK.

Easiness in studying Abroad

There are around 1.5 million youngsters, who had completed a particular part of their education in another member state through the support of programs organized by Erasmus. The possibilities to study abroad are referred as positive by around 84% of the citizens residing in EU (Clements 2015). Again, there exist a hope that the UK can try to maintain its labor free movement, but with more constraints on various immigrants that come from The East of Europe.

EU Economic Strength

After the war, the economy of EU started doing well that enables in sustaining the rise of real per capita GDP as well as living standards. It could be applied to the arguments that favor membership of Britain (Clements 2015). It's the main weak point of EU. The EU cannot point towards the economic strength and its stability. Structural issues with monetary union and euro have created the austerity of EU, along with the moderate growth of the economy, and high level of unemployment. It is argued that Euro political pursuit, as well as single currency, has come at the cost of a sense of economy (Clements 2015).

Issues in Eurozone: Euro has failed in accounting for differentiation in competitiveness, which has created an imbalance in trade and has lead to weak demand in local market. However, it is good to point that the UK is not part of the euro; therefore, they don’t share the cost of single currency. However, the UK economic performance is not that better than partners of Eurozone. Therefore, leaving EU wouldn’t change many situations. Britain is not in the euro, and ECB wouldn’t bring change in their economic policy, as UK left EU (Springford 2013).

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