Most assignments ask a question that requires the students to find out an answer and perhaps make an argument or two convincing the reader of their opinion. An assignment in human resource will be different from the simple question answers that you may be familiar with. Most HR related assignments are case studies often real life scenarios that need to be studied and the approach taken by the management is asked to be commented upon. Many times, you may also be asked to provide solutions based on the problems cited in the case study.
The first step is to give an overview of what you have discovered after studying the case. You can add company overview providing some background to your essay. This can be termed as the executive summary of the report. This is the introductory part demonstrating the flow of the rest of the report. You should be writing very briefly about the suggestions you will be making to the problems that you have identified.
The next thing to be addressed is the problems that you have identified in the case. You must have a statement of major problems before delving into individual problems and their solutions. A high level assignment will require alternative solutions to each one of the problems identified. You should be able to state why you think the solution is going to work and in what ways will it positively affect the company. This requires the students to demonstrate not only their theoretical knowledge of HR policies but also its application in a real life situation.
You may sum up the general idea with a recommendation that combines all the solutions and also aid it with methods of implementation to make your assignment holistic. It gives you extra points to carry out some research to find out how organizations in similar scenarios are doing. You should think beforehand about the research methodology and how to use the data after analyzing it.
It cannot be stressed enough as to how important it is to have the citation and bibliography presented in the correct manner. Failure to do so will amount to plagiarism so make sure that you keep a note of every reference material you have used to prepare the human resource assignment.
As a final word on assignment submissions, several drafts and redrafts are key to get an A grade in the assignment. Some students may find themselves lacking in time to concentrate so much on just an assignment, for them there are several online websites to take help from. They provide help on almost all areas of assignment writing especially on the tricky parts such as correct bibliography etc. You can ask assignment specific questions to the experts and get aid on understanding how to approach a difficult issue. While some of these services are free, most of the web based help will charge you a minimal amount to cater to you needs. You must only take care about how to use such help and what is the source that you are approaching. Utilizing resources from a genuine source is in fact a very smart way to effectively write a customized HR assignment.