Organizational Development | Essaycorp

Organizational Development | Essaycorp

Organization Development is an organization-wide effort to increase an organization’s efficiency and effectiveness to achieve its strategic goals through good planning. It is a development strategy and systematic learning intended to change the basics of attitudes, beliefs, values and structure of any organization to better understand and absorb disruptive technologies ensuring to compete with the challenges. It is not personal development, team building or training but it is about change which involves peoples. OD also develops systems, structures and processes. The primary responsibility of OD is to develop the entire not to develop staff or to train peoples.

Core Values of Organizational Development

  • OD provides opportunities for all people to work and function as human beings not as resources in the productive process of an organization.
  • OD provides opportunities for each and every member of organization as well as for an organization itself for developing in their full potential.
  • OD always works to increase the effectiveness of the organization in achieving allover goals of the organization.
  • It provides a creative environment in which people can find challenging and exciting work.
  • It provides opportunities for people who are working in the organization to influence the way in which they relate to the organization, environment and work.
  • OD treats every human being as a person having a complex set of needs that are all important for the work and life.

The Various Objectives of OD are:

  • It increases among employees, the level of inter-personal trust.
  • It increases the level of commitment and satisfaction.
  • It helps in confronting problems instead of neglecting them all.
  • It helps to resolve problems and manage conflict effectively.
  • It increases collaboration and cooperation among the employees.
  • It helps the ongoing process of the organization on a continuous basis by putting in proper processes.
  • It makes individuals aware of the vision about the process of the organization.
  • It encourages employees to solve the problems instead of continuously avoiding them.
  • It strengthens inter-personnel cooperation, communication and trust for the successful achievement of overall organizational goals.
  • It encourages every individual to take participation in the process of planning so that everyone takes responsibility for the implementation of the plan.
  • With personal knowledge and skill, replace all formal lines of authority.
  • It improves the organization’s capacity so as to handle its external and internal relationship and functioning.
  • It includes improved group and interpersonal processes for  more effective communication that generally enhance the ability to cope with organizational problems.
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