Christmas Time, Christmas Blog. HO! HO! HO!


It’s time to Ho! Ho! Ho! Christmas is here, go spread a little cheer, little there and a little here. It’s the 25th of the last month again.

Welcome to the last festival of the year, 2016 is coming to an end.

Nevertheless, we need to enjoy this day as much as we can, with pumpkin spice latte, cakes, Mariah Carey,gifts and the Christmas tree. Not forgetting Jesus, who is the reason why it is called Christmas.

What is Christmas?

Christmas is a festival celebrated by Christians in remembrance of their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who was born two thousand years ago around this day, which means 25th December is not exactly the date of birth of Jesus but it’s around this day. In those days, dates were kept according to the country, and each country had their own dating system. It makes figuring the exact date a difficult predicament, but people have made the effort of finding out, that’s why we have it on 25th December. For jews, it comes right after Hanukkah.

Christmas Is Celeberated Because Lord Jesus Was Born On This Day.

Who is Santa Claus?

Santa Claus is an old immortal fat man who slides down chimneys and puts gifts under Christmas trees for kids all around the world, and all through the Christmas night. This is a story parents tell their kids, but it is not true. The actual person behind Santa Claus is a saint whose name was Nicholas. He was born in Turkey and was a very kind and generous person. This helped spread his name all around the world, but the term Santa Claus was coined when Thomas Nast drew a cartoon for a weekly magazine.

The History

The day of Christmas was set by Pope Julius I in the early 336 A.D. after the king of Rome, Constantine set it.

Now that we have finally talked about the most common things that Christmas is known for, we can get down to brass tax.

Pope Julious- EssayCorp

What Can You Do This Christmas?

There are many families and kids who are not going to celebrate Christmas, because they can’t afford it. These people live under the poverty line, so even after working they are not able to make enough money to do so. There are even homeless people who sit on roads in the freezing cold of the night.

This is a great opportunity to do something great this year. These people are looking for kind heart people like Saint Nicholas, who will give them some joy and warmth this Christmas. Giving is always beautiful, and seeing the face of the one who receives it is even more beautiful. Its etching a place in someones heart forever, and I mean forever. There are such people whom you can help and they would surely remember you as long as they live.

So, as an atheist who doesn’t believe in God or a religious person, this Christmas give someone a part of the joy you are enjoying.

Homeless- EssayCorp
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